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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Those crazy quirks

I've developed a habit of eating crackers in bed. Cliche, right? But crackers have become my new favorite snack, and I'm talking Saltine crackers. Mainly because they are low-cal, low-fat and filling — the right ingredients for snacking.

The problem, however, is that crumbs do occasionally slip onto the bed — and for the most part, I do catch them. Apparently, I don't catch enough of them. It was most apparent one night when my boyfriend and I were watching a movie in my bed, and every time he moved, he was like, "Are there crumbs in here?" I hadn't noticed, but it drove him so crazy we had to change my bed sheets before he could relax. I haven't stopped my cracker-eating habit, and I'm sure he'll still notice. It's just one of my quirks, and he loves me anyway!

But everyone has a little something that is behavior that is all their own — from crackers to sleep patterns to waking up styles to eating — and those behaviors only get highlighted when you get into a relationship with someone. My BF has his own habits, and even though they drive me insane, I deal with it, just like he deals with my odd habits. And it works, because we understand that the other person is fairly set in their ways, and the habits are harmless, so no big deal!

Have you ever been called out on your behaviors, or mentioned someone's to them? How did it work out? Also, what is the weirdest thing you have run across as far as another person's behavior?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure I have a number of annoying habits. For example, no matter the temperature, I HAVE to sleep with the fan on. (It's a sound thing.)

As for as dealing with others' "crazy quirks," if I love them, then I just deal with them. It's when the quirks become more important than the love that it becomes a problem.

3:14 PM  
Blogger BeckiLG said...

I think learning a persons quirks is one of the most fun things... because you KNOW you have them too but just hope theirs compare:)

I don't know if it qualifies as the weirdest thing ever, but the guy I made dinner for tonight puts ketchup on EVERYTHING. He really couldn't name a meal he won't use ketchup on. Ew? And as if that didn't already make me feel like my cooking sucked, he won't eat leftovers. Once it's in the fridge, it's considered leftovers and will not be eaten.

I told him it was weird... he already knew.

2:22 AM  

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