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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Does size really matter?

It's hard to kiss tall people.

As a relatively short person (I'm 5'4") if I date someone considerably taller, it always makes kissing difficult. I have to awkwardly get up on my tiptoes, sometimes resulting in a cramped calf or two, and he has to hunch over. Plus, if you're in a standing-up make-out session, you just don't line up correctly with the other person.

My boyfriend is only slightly taller than me. If I don't have on shoes or am wearing flats, he's just a bit higher. If I'm in heels, we're at eye-level. It makes for easy access to the lips.

However, some women like really tall guys. I have a friend who is also my height but her ideal guy is at least 6 feet tall. I have another friend who is probably about 5'8" to 6 feet, and she will not date a guy shorter than her. At the other end of the spectrum, some men like really short women. Traditionally, when you think of a man and a woman, the woman is always shorter than the man. So does that make it wrong for a man to be shorter than his girl?

A co-worker told me that a male friend of hers said that if the guy was shorter than the girl, he was breaking some sort of "man code." He would lose man points just because of his height -- something he can't even control!

So I pose the question to you: Ladies, would you date a man shorter than you? Men, would you date a woman taller than you? When it comes right down to it: Does size really matter?

(For all those who started out this post with their mind in the gutter, here's a random fact for you, courtesy Macon Love's Tuesday night trip to trivia: The longest erection is 15 inches long. I'll just let you ponder that for now.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm 5-foot-8, and I can't imagine dating a guy shorter than me. In fact, he has to be a couple inches taller for me to really find him attractive. I like a guy I can look up to and who can put his arms around my shoulders...not the other way around. That's probably why I chose my BF — he's 6-1.

It's funny, though, my sister used to be like me, not wanting to date anyone shorter than her. Guess who she married? A guy who is a good two inches shorter...and she couldn't be happier.

So who knows? I personally don't think my own opinion on the matter is going to change, but some people don't mind one way or another.

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm 5'2", and I have always preferred to date guys who were over 6'. My current BF is 5'9", and I have to admit that it is a lot easier to sneak in a kiss when he's not expecting it! I still like taller guys, but my guy is perfect for me, so in his case size doesn't rerally matter after all.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Renee said...

I'm 5'11 and have, for the most part, dated guys my height or taller (when I could find them). I have dated guys shorter than me though, and I never really thought it was a problem. I mean, height does not a man make.

My BF is about an inch taller than me and when I wear heels he's often shorter. But I don't care, and neither does he. Apparently an acquaintence does though, because I'm the one who received the comment about breaking a man code.

What is a "man code" anyway?

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To begin with "Man Code" "Man Law" or whatever it is you want to call it is just that. Its like this you know how like all women and gay/metro men know about the white before/after Labor Day thing? Same thing goes for Man Law. Most guys and some girls that are "one of the guys" know. They are just unwritten, unspoken, things men just do because of; ego, insecurity, tradtion, etc. etc. so on and so forth. Its just stuff we do. . . .to answer any questions. . . .and it can really be anything we dont want to put a name on. Whew
On to the Blog.
Personally, I like girls that are shorter than me and i like girls that are closer to my height. Not to be a guy about this but well I am one, its sorta like a tool, there are certain females for certain jobs.(Get your mind out of the gutter guys!) I enjoy mid sized women for dancing smaller women for chillin and taller women for outdoor sports all in all i guess i just like women they are all beautiful and prettier than guys so thats why im hetero i suppose:-D cue the cheesy music!

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining man code/law, citizen! I was stumped on that one too!

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was/is one of my 5 criteria...they have to be taller than me. Taller than 5'3"

And yes, I did have a bad blind date that warranted putting that "on the list".

1:13 PM  

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