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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Get me outta here: Deal-breaking apartments

Any number of malfeasances can cause a good date to go sour. Stepping on your date's feet while dancing, bad breath at the good-night kiss or "forgetting your wallet" are all common deal breakers. Sometimes, though, it's not what your date does, but it's where he lives.

Believe it or not, the condition of your living space possibly could be a deal breaker when it comes to relationships. The New York Times recently ran an amusing article about people who have lost dates and relationships because their significant other did not like their apartments.

One man had a stuffed seal. Another sleeps on sheets he's had since the 1970s. One woman insists her dates use rose-colored light bulbs in their houses. (With that kind of attitude, she's never getting married, or else, her soul mate is probably already wed or gay.)

My own boyfriend's apartment is quite messy -- and I know he'd own up to that in a second -- but I haven't considered breaking up with him because of it. I like him for who he is, not for his apartment. And maybe the joke's on me on this one, but I'd like to think that if we lived together he would be less messy just because he wouldn't be the only one living there.

I'd venture to guess that people who break up because of apartments had other reasons they were not right for each other and use the apartment as an excuse.

Have any of you dated anyone who had a bad apartment or house? What was it like? Have you ever broken up with someone because of their living space? What are some deal breakers that you may find inside the home (like those old sheets and stuffed seal)?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...this hit home. I tell my husband all the time he is a lucky man. On our first date, I went back to his place to watch a movie. He lived in this same apartment for over 7 years. Needless to say he had not cleaned it once in those 7 years and is a smoker. When I first walked in there I thought it was the biggest rat hole, and reeked of cig smoke. I was even afraid to sit on his gross broken down coach. But even on this first date, I knew there was a lot to this man. But I soon moved him out to a house, and made sure he keep this new place smoke free and clean. We then got married and bought our first home. It was a battle, and I had to stay on top of him all the time (he is also an only child- know you know what I am dealing with) to keep things neat and clean. We have been married now for 3 1/2 years, and I can say he has finially become trained...

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That means there is hope for messy boys! Makes me happy :)

12:40 PM  
Blogger BeckiLG said...

This makes me think of that Friends episode when Ross dates a messy girl and has a nervous breakdown about it. Not that Ross rarely had nervous breakdowns....

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only problem my BF had (and still has) is that he has a problem with laundry — not doing it, but putting it away when he is done.

It's gets so bad and piled up, that when company comes to visit, at least 30 minutes is spent to folding and hanging the clothes that have been piling up in the guest room! : )

But other than that, he's pretty good about cleaning! (And of course, he had the place sparkling for at least the first month we were dating!) : )

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Roxy, my husband (I'm Anon #1) hated to do his laundry also. He just keeped everything in the dryer. Turned in on for a few spins, then took it out to ware. That was his idea of laundry. Once we got married, we made some compromises. See I hate vacuuming. So...I do all the laundry and he does all the vacuuming. It works well that way. But if that is your BF's only 'problem', I think you have it made ;)

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silly Girls! My boyfriend had a messy apartment when I met him, and I thought it was so cute when I cleaned the grime and hair from his bathroom and the crud from around the kitchen. Then I married him and cleverly moved the hamper to which ever part of the home he was prone to dropping his clothes in (he'd then drop them elsewhere). Then, after baby #1, when I complained about how much housework there was to do, he "helped out" by explaining how stupid it was to waste time dusting (who cares about dust?) Eventually, after having three children, I surrendered. I work full time, do what I can around the house and turn a blind eye to the rest. We've been married 18 years and he has just begun to notice that the house is a mess -- and I didn't even kill him when he made a comment about it. That, young ladies, is the secret to a long and reasonably happy marriage. :-)

9:40 AM  

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