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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Mom's romance rules to live by

There are a ridiculous amount of magazine articles and web sites dedicated to outlining important rules for men and women to live by when it comes to romance and relationships. In my experience, however, I have always found that it is best to make up rules that work for you and the relationship you are in or the relationship you want to be in. And of course, it does't hurt to listen to a little advice you hear along the way.

For me, my mom has come up with some good ones along the way, and I take note of them because my parent's had a terrific bond and an even better marriage. I think they were the exception to the rule that says couples that don't fight have a passionless relationship. My parents always seemed to enjoy being together, and I can only remember them fighting once — and the argument was quickly replaced with laughter.

The first rule I learned from my mom was to find someone that "you can laugh with." It seems so simple, but I think laughter and enjoying each other is definitely important. It's probably why I look for someone with a sense of humor and who I can have a good time with. My boyfriend makes me laugh more than anyone else (and he knows this!), and it's one of the reasons I think our relationship has stayed strong even through some of our bad times.

My mom also told my sister and I at a young age that if a man ever cheats on us or beats us, we are to leave the relationship immediately. I think I was around 10 when she told me that, and it sticks out even now. I definitely wouldn't put up with either of those situations.

I could go on, but I would like to hear from you. Has your mom or dad, or grandma ever passed down relationship advice that you deem important today?


Blogger BeckiLG said...

I can't think of a bit of advice my family has given me on relationships, but I know I have taken a lot from watching the successful and unsuccessful relationships my parents and grandparents have had.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best advice my mama gave me was this: "If you want him, you can have him." I've been married 30 years now.

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Rules"
1. Don't call him.
2. Don't show up everywhere he goes.
3. Look your absolute best all the time.
4. Don't sleep with him until you know there is a real committment between you.
5. Don't pay for anything.
6. Don't talk about yourself.
7. Make him think you could leave him tomorrow and it wouldn't hurt you a bit.
8. Don't clean his apartment.
9. Invite him to church with you.
10.Don't tell him you love him first.

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except for Numbers 2, 4 & 8, I disagree with the rest of "The Rules."

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I am not sure if it's true "if you want him, you can have him." Sometimes, even a man and a woman like each other, if his mother gets in the way or sabatages the relationship, you really cannot have him because his mother wants to have him on her own or wants him to marry the woman she approves. I have been there. You may say a man who lets his mother control his life doesn't worth my love. Hey, what would you do if you have a mother like this? Would you hurt her feelings? Guys, which one you would choose, your mom or your wife or girlfriend?

5:15 AM  

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